The 9 Best Writing Hacks In The History Of Mankind

Winnie Jones
5 min readNov 28, 2022


From Ernest Hemingway to Maya Angelou, some of the greatest writers in history have relied on certain hacks to help them produce their best work.

Whether it’s starting with a prompt or setting a specific word count goal, these writing hacks can help any author hone their craft.

Photo by Yannick Pulver on Unsplash

Ernest Hemingway’s Writing Hack

One of the most famous writers of all time, Ernest Hemingway, relied on a very specific writing hack to get him through writer’s block.

Known as the “Hemingway Trick,” the author would write down a list of topics he wanted to write about, then cross off all but the first one.

This left him with no choice but to start writing about the remaining topic.

The 5-Minute Rule

In order to get over his own fears of starting a new project, screenwriter Aaron Sorkin came up with what he calls the “5 Minute Rule.”

The rule is simple: once you sit down to start working, you give yourself 5 minutes to do anything except write.

Once those 5 minutes are up, you start writing and don’t stop until you reach your daily word count goal.

Inject Raw Emotions into Your Writing

Ever wonder how some writing can make you feel a certain emotion?

While writing, it’s important to inject your own feelings into the writing so that readers can feel them as well.

This could mean writing about a happy memory or re-creating a painful experience in vivid detail — whatever helps you to connect with your writing more deeply.

When writing, it’s important to make sure that your writing is coming from a genuine place and is full of emotion.

This means writing about what you know, or at least writing with knowledge as if you personally experienced the event or emotions being described.

To ensure this happens in your writing, inject raw emotions into your writing by using sensory detail, writing in the first person, and tapping into personal experiences.

This will result in writing that resonates with readers and makes them feel something from the writing.

Write as You Talk

When I started writing in 2018, I thought that using big words and writing in a scholarly manner would make me sound more professional.

But it turns out that writing simple, straightforward sentences can be more effective.

Rather than writing in a formal, academic style, try writing as you would talk to someone.

This not only makes it easier on the reader, but it also makes writing feel much less intimidating and helps get ideas down quickly.

Start with a Prompt

Sometimes it can be hard to start writing when you’re not sure what to write about.

In this case, starting with a writing prompt can help get the creative juices flowing.

Writing prompts are great because they give you an idea of what to write about and provide structure for your writing.

One way I use writing prompts is by writing a piece of writing using a certain phrase or sentence.

This gives me an idea of where I should start writing and helps me focus my writing.

If you’re not sure where to find prompts, there are plenty of websites and books that offer them.

You Are the Niche

One of the most important writing hacks to keep in mind is that you are the niche.

Instead of writing for everyone, focus on writing for a specific audience and writing about topics that you know well.

This way, your writing will be more authentic and engaging to readers who can relate to your chosen topic.

Write in Batches

Writing in batches is a writing hack that has been around for centuries.

It involves writing multiple pieces of writing at once and then editing them in one go.

This writing hack is great for two reasons: first, it helps you stay focused on writing without getting sidetracked; second, it allows you to create a consistent writing style across all your pieces of writing.

By writing in batches, you can also save time by writing multiple pieces of writing at once instead of writing them one by one.

Create An Outline

If you’re struggling with where to start, try creating an outline of what you want to write before you actually start writing.

This can help you organize your thoughts and figure out what order you want to present them in. Once you have an outline, starting the actual writing process will be much easier.

Edit ruthlessly

The last writing hack is to edit your writing ruthlessly. This means going through each sentence and analyzing it for clarity, grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

The more you edit your writing, the better the writing will become. Editing also helps to ensure that the writing is cohesive and that everything flows together properly.

By following these writing hacks, you can ensure that your writing is of the highest quality and will be engaging to read.

Writing does not have to be intimidating or overwhelming; with a few helpful writing hacks, writing can become second nature. No matter what kind of writing you do, keep these writing hacks in mind and watch your writing transform into something amazing.

Even if you don’t consider yourself a writing expert, these writing hacks can help you cultivate your writing and create pieces that are both engaging and enjoyable to read.

Good writing is an art, and with the right writing hacks, you can become a master of it.

Whether you are writing for an audience, writing a book, or writing for yourself, these eight writing hacks have been used by writers throughout history to hone their craft and create pieces of writing that people can’t help but enjoy.

There are lots of different ways to become a better writer; these are just some of them. Try out a few of them and see which ones work best for you.

And remember: practice makes perfect! The more you write, the better you’ll become at it. Good luck!

Till next time!



Winnie Jones

Top Writer. Writing about Artificial Intelligence and how it can be used in copywriting, art, design, and game development!